Uptime Dexterities

An uptime dexterity is when one or more dexterities are completed up-time (when the bag is travelling up from the initial set).

Toe Sets

  1. Pixie TOE > SAME IN [DEX] >
  2. Terraging (Double Pixie)TOE > SAME IN [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] >
  3. Fairy TOE > SAME OUT [DEX] >
  4. Double Fairy TOE > SAME OUT [DEX] > SAME OUT [DEX] >
  5. Wiggle (Pixie Fairy) (no plant while)TOE > SAME IN [DEX] > SAME OUT [DEX] >
  6. Jiggle (Fairy Pixie ) (no plant while)TOE > SAME OUT [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] >
  7. Atomic (Reverse Miraging Op Side)TOE > OP OUT [DEX] > (OP SIDE)
  8. Tapping (Reverse Miraging Same Side)TOE > OP OUT [DEX] > (SAME SIDE)
  9. Delusional (Double Atomic)TOE > OP OUT [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] >
  10. Quantum (Miraging Op Side)TOE > OP IN [DEX] > (OP SIDE)
  11. Slapping (Miraging Same Side)TOE > OP IN [DEX] > (SAME SIDE)
  12. Wonton (Symposium Quantum)TOE > (no plant while) OP IN [BOD][DEX] >
  13. Flailing (Symposium Atomic)TOE > (no plant while) OP OUT [BOD][DEX] >
  14. Wontomic (Symposium Quantum Atomic)TOE > (no plant while) OP IN [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX][XDEX] >
  15. Sailing (Pixie Atomic)TOE > SAME IN [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] >
  16. Frantic (Pixie Quantum)TOE > SAME IN [DEX] > OP IN [DEX] >
  17. Backside Symposium Frantic Pixie Symposium QuantumTOE > SAME IN [DEX] > OP IN (no plant while) [BOD][DEX] >
  18. Slaying (Beta Sailing/Pixie Symposium Atomic)TOE > SAME IN [DEX] > OP OUT (no plant while) [BOD][DEX] >
  19. Fusing/Falling (Fairy Atomic)TOE > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] >
  20. Sidewinding Fairy Gyro Barraging
  21. Phasing (Fairy Swirling)TOE > SAME OUT [DEX] > OP BACK SWIRL [DEX] >
  22. Surfing (Symposium Phasing)TOE > SAME OUT [DEX] > (no plant while) OP BACK SWIRL [DEX][BOD] >
  23. Gnome (Atomic/Tapping Swirling)TOE > OP OUT [DEX] > OP SWIRL [DEX] >
  24. Warped (Frontside Symposium Omelette/Flailing Atomic)TOE > (no plant while) OP OUT [DEX][BOD] > OP OUT [DEX][XDEX] >
  25. Floating (Reverse Warping)TOE > (no plant while) OP IN [DEX][BOD] > OP IN [DEX] >
  26. Swixie (Anti-Clipper Swirling)XB TOE > SAME BACK SWIRLl [DEX] >
  27. Moshing (Symposium Toe Swirling Stepping Set)TOE>OP SWIRL>OP IN

Clipper Sets

  1. Stepping (Clip Set Miraging)CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > (SAME SIDE)
  2. Blurry (Stepping Paradox)CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > (OP SIDE PDX)
  3. Null (Stepping Atomic SS) (no plant while)CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > SAME OUT > (SAME SIDE)
  4. Pogo (Symposium Stepping)(Not a full dex, does not receive a symposium add.)CLIP > (no plant while) OP IN [DEX] >
  5. Hopping (Clip Set Illusion)CLIP > OP OUT [DEX] >
  6. Popping (Clip Set Symp Illusion)CLIP > (no plant while) > OP OUT [BOD][DEX]
  7. Nuclear (Clip Set Atomic)CLIP > SAME OUT [PDX] [DEX] >
  8. Quasi (Paradox Miraging)CLIP > SAME IN [PDX] [DEX] >
  9. Barraging (High Stepping)CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] > (SAME SIDE)
  10. Furious (Barraging Paradox)CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] > (OP SIDE PDX)
  11. Symposium Furious (Symposium Barraging Paradox)CLIP > OP IN (no plant while) [BOD][DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] > (OP SIDE PDX)
  12. Shooting (Stepping Paradox Illusion)CLIP > (no plant while) OP IN [DEX] > OP OUT [PDX][DEX] >
  13. Rifling (Stepping Double Switch Over)CLIP > (no plant while) OP IN [DEX] > OP OUT [DEX] > SAME OUT [DEX] >
  14. Sliding (Stepping Paradox Mirage)CLIP > (no plant while) OP IN [DEX] > OP IN [PDX][DEX] >

Whirling/Swirling Sets

  1. Swirling/Burly CLIP > SAME BACK/FRONT SWIRL [DEX] >
  2. Smiling (Swirling Stepping) CLIP > SAME (FRONT/BACK) SWIRL [DEX] > OP IN [DEX]
  3. Whirling CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > (SAME SIDE)
  4. Blazing CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > (OP SIDE)
  5. Flaring (Symposium Blazing) CLIP > OP IN (no plant while) [BOD][DEX] > (OP SIDE)
  6. Scattered (Reverse Whirling) CLIP > OP OUT [DEX] > (SAME SIDE)
  7. Shattered (Reverse Whirling) CLIP > OP OUT [DEX] > (OP SIDE)
  8. Blistering (Whirling Gyro) CLIP > OP IN [DEX] > (BACK) SPIN [BOD] > (GYRO COMPONENT)
  9. Clipper Reverse Whirling Spinning CLIP > OP OUT [DEX] > (BACK) SPIN [BOD] >
  10. Jolimont (Symposium Whirling Swirling)
  11. Swirling Barraging
  12. Revsteining (Double Reverse Swirling)

Unusual Sets

  1. Snapping (Dragon Set Swirling)DRAGON > SAME FRONT SWIRL [DEX] >
  2. Twisted (Dragon Set Swirling Paradox) DRAGON > SAME FRONT SWIRL [DEX] > SAME IN/OUT [PDX][DEX] >
  3. Frozen (Frigidosis Atomic) FRIGIDOSIS > OP OUT [DEX] >
  4. Arctic (Frigidosis Pixie) FRIGIDOSIS > SAME IN [DEX] >
  5. Canadian (Frigidosis Terraging) (Double Arctic) FRIGIDOSIS > SAME IN [DEX] > SAME IN [DEX] >
  6. Helical (Frigid Osis Set Sailing)
  7. Gimpy (Stepping Op Knee Bump)CLIP > OP IN> OP KNEE BUMP >
  8. Pimpy (Pixie Same Knee Bump)TOE > SAME IN > SAME KNEE BUMP >
  9. Stepulous (Pendulum-Set Stepping) XBD PENDULUM > OP IN > (SAME SIDE) 
  10. Finchy (Pinching Fairy set) PINCH > SAME OUT >
  11. Pixie Pinching PINCH > SAME IN >
  • NOTE: Pinching sets are not full dexes. Therefore they do not receive the dexterity add fairy/pixie only indicate the direction the bag is set.

Anti-Symposium Sets

  1. Rooting/Rooted (Anti-Symposium) Plant the setting foot (Op leg does not plant). Jump with the setting foot, setting the bag in the air.
  2. Zoid (Rooted Crossbody Toe Set)
  3. Hyper (Rooted Pixie) Toe > (rooted) SAME IN [DEX][BOD] >
  4. Railing (Hyper Atomic) Toe > (rooted) SAME IN [DEX][BOD] > Op Out [DEX] >
  5. Rooted Fairy Toe > (rooted) SAME OUT [DEX][BOD] >
  6. Frootie (Hyper Quantum) Toe > (rooted) SAME IN [DEX][BOD] > OP IN [DEX] >