Footbag WorldWide Member Services: Member Profile for first_horseman

Member Profile for first_horseman

Last Login: Sun Oct 28 12:46:32 2007
Joshua J. Archer

Member Snapshot:

ID: 74350
IFPA Membership Status:
Never joined.
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Phone: 510-300-4643
9521 emerald park dr.
Sacramento, CA
10/28/07 hello, I am now living in Elk Grove, nice place. Got outta Job Corps thinking I'ma start a hack circle here... Well I was looking over this site again and everythings outta date, but I wanna keep previous comments to show the differences in my lifestyle as time goes by. here it mis: yo ppl whats up, I'm your regular new-aged hippie if you know what I mean, always in some kind of a circle... Hackey just came natural to me, I love it, can't get enough since I started. I have been playing for about a total of a year and a half straight about 6 hours a day. Broken ankles, weather, threats, sickness, being loaded off my ass has not stopped me from playing hackey sack. Our group lives at Job corps Treasure Island, you'll occasionally find us in golden gate park too, A.K.A. Hippie Hill. However, I myself am leaving Job Corps in a week, I will still keep on hacking. The loner, stoner, marching soldier, keep on doin this shit even when I'm older.

Fave moves:
1-"pendulum to dragonfly" (swing leg back with hack stalled, and throw in front of self, and dragonfly it up)
2-"Jester Rainbow" (Jester to the left, over my head, and jester on the right)
3-"knee catch dropped to jester" (catch with knees, in something of a kneeling position and drop between legs and swing one leg inward to jester it)

Moves I "thought I made":
(Note, if anyone has heard of this move being done before please tell me so i can take it off)
1- Let the hack fall on my upper back, stand up and "around the world"(stirring motion around hack with lower leg then it hits the toe.) it with my right leg.
2- Outside foot stall with foot laid on the ground. Can also be done with the front or toe of the shoe and inside of foot. "Inside/Outside/Forward meteor stall" maybe?
3- "Alternative Dragonfly" (I made this move because I broke my ankle and was in a cast from my toes to knee, and couldn't bend my left leg over fast enough to do a dragonfly, so I did something of the motion when a girl in a dress crosses her legs to sit with one knee over the other? yeah, and made a dragonfly in that manner.)
4- "wrap around down to earth" (stall of left foot, wrap it around my right leg from the back to the outside of your shoe, and lay your right knee on the ground, remove left foot and throw the hack up with right outside stall.)

alright, there's a little bio on me, peace out ppl,
Josh A.K.A. St. P

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Profile Created: Thu Feb 23 23:26:32 2006; Profile Modified: Sun Oct 28 12:52:16 2007

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