Jam: 050413
Andrew: ripped warrior beesauce; janiwalker both sides; food processor; cameo by Erik. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 76 secs.)
Erik: 050731
Erik: really lame bail session, trying to dress like Mikko Lepisto; fog beesauce; backside blur beesauce. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 241 secs.)
Erik: 050918
Erik: double spinning clipper both sides; inspinning osis both sides. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 37 secs.)
Erik: 050924
Erik: inspinning butterfly both sides; spinning clipper > inspinning clipper [repeat]; merkon > inspinning clipper beesauce;. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 160 secs.)
Erik: 051001
Erik: mobius beesauce; spinning ducking clipper > blender beesauce; pdx blender both sides; food processor; mobius > blurry clipper both sides;. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 101 secs.)
Erik: 051006
Erik: My longest run ever (like 78 contacts, I think?). Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 232 secs.)
Erik: 051028
Erik: double spinning clipper beesauce; spinning symp mirage beesauce; . Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 210 secs.)
Erik: Bigwalk
Erik: A pretty bad bigwalk; I thought I was hitting it both sides, but it was actually only one side the whole time :/. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 16 secs.)
Misc: experiment 050525
Some improv, on-the-spot camcorder filming; I always wanted to do more, but have never got around to it... Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 99 secs.)
Misc: Fairy
Erik: relearned fairy. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 12 secs.)
Misc: Snow 050103
Footbag in the snow; short combo by Erik; slips on ice... Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 14 secs.)
MOTW: Infinity swirl [bsos]
Derek: Infinity swirl beesauce. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 10 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Andrew: Tombstone > tombstone. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 6 secs.)
Andrew Grant. Video by Andrew Grant.
(Playing time 360 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Riptide
Andrew: Ripcurl. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 12 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Andrew: Whirling swirl BSOS. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 8 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Pdx torque > pdx blender [both sides]. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 9 secs.)
Erik Chan.
Lon Smith once commented on this video along the lines of, "Hey! That's how I play!" :D. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 252 secs.)
Move of the Week:
Derek: Frontside fury. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 15 secs.)
"Shred Reality", by Andrew Grant.
Erik Chan + Andrew Grant. Video by Andrew Grant.
(Playing time 159 secs.)
Andrew Grant, summer 2005.
Forks and Assinaboine Park shred.
Atomic drifter BSOS; blubberman; fairy same DLO BSOS; blurry torque > food processor > whirlygig. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 324 secs.)
Erik Chan, summer 2005.
Shred at The Forks and Assinaboine Park.
Just long dexless runs. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 283 secs.)
Derek Vandall, summer 2005.
Shred at The Forks. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 217 secs.)
Toe Inspinning Special
Featuring Rory Dawson + Erik Chan
(Rory teaches me how to toe inspin...plus some commentary on the art itself.)
toe inspinning clipper > blur [repeat]; toe inspinning butterfly [both sides]; toe inspinning ducking clipper [both sides]; toe ingyro mirage X2. Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 175 secs.)
Rory Dawson: Pokemon routine; music self-produced! Video by Erik Chan.
(Playing time 118 secs.)