Ryan at KFK training session march 2003 - part 1
2 times freestyle footbag champion of the world, Ryan Mulroney busts two outstanding runs, showing what symposium moves is really all about. Video by Neuhard.
(Playing time 33 secs.)
Ryan at KFK training session march 2005 - part 2
Ryan Mulroney was in Denmark during the spring ?03, and DFK had the honour of inviting him to join some of our sessions. Now you can experience the unbelievable skills of "the Regulator" in this 4 min. video highlight... Video by Neuhard.
(Playing time 235 secs.)
Ryan at KFK training session march 2006 - part 3
New Todexon freestyle champ. Ryan Mulroney push it the limit in a 40 sec. run. Video by Neuhard.
(Playing time 37 secs.)
Ryan at KFK training session march 2003 - part 4
Ryan Mulroney has returned from Czeck Rep., and shreds with danish Mads Hole and Mads Neuhard, and Estonian Uve Poom in this 4 min footage from March 25. . Video by Neuhard.
(Playing time 259 secs.)
Ryan at a KFK training session april 2003 part 5
Ryan Mulroney hits some long super-runs and really hard stuff at the Gym., lecturing the Copenhagen freestyle-players once again, in this fodpose.dk-production. Video by Neuhard/Hole.
(Playing time 179 secs.)
Orange Tour part 1
Enjoy the two appetizers from The Epic Footbag Tour. They will be followed later this year by a longer production. . Video by Neuhard.
(Playing time 28 secs.)
Orange Tour part 2
As always Ryan amazes where ever he plays. This time it's in front of the National stadium. . Video by Neuhard/Hole.
(Playing time 27 secs.)
Fashion Show
While hanging out in Copenhagen, Ryan managed to be part of a huge fashion fair. Check out his catwalk..! Video by Neuhard/Hole.
(Playing time 123 secs.)